Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Knights of Columbus Austin Chapter - A Report of the Spiritual Director (6/24/2024)

Worthy Chapter President and Brother Knights,

I wanted to share with you all my recent experience at the Steubenville Lone Star ("SLS") youth conference in Irving, TX over the weekend (June 21-23, 2024). It was my first time to a Steubenville event and I, along with 9 other adults, chaperoned and chauffeured 35 youths from St. Albert the Great Catholic Church to SLS. Our youth group joined 4,000 Catholic youths from all over the State of Texas with some coming as far away as Minnesota. It was a sight to behold! The excited and energy in the building was amazing!

We heard from many inspiring Catholic speakers, including Mr. Brian Greenfield. In his presentation, he encouraged the youth to BELIEVE, TRUST, and RESPOND. Believe in God. Trust in God. Respond to God. It is such simple yet profound message for our young people to hear. I also love it that there was a session for just the young men and a session for just the young women because God made us male and female. Brian Greenfield was the speaker for the men's session and Sr. Josephine was the speaker for women's session. Mr. Greenfield encouraged the young men not to allow society and others to define who they are but know in their hearts that they are beloved sons of the Father. He quoted Pope Saint John Paul II, saying: "We are not the sum of our weaknesses and failures, we are the sum of the Father's love for us and our real capacity to become the image of His Son Jesus."

Then, in his homily at Mass on Sunday morning, Bishop Greg Kelly (Diocese of Dallas) encouraged the youth to (1) go to Mass, (2) offer themselves to God at Mass, (3) receive our Lord Jesus Christ in the Eucharist at Mass, and (4) go into mission territory and lead others to Christ. Bishop Kelly told the youth to go to Mass regular even if they are bored at Mass, even if they do not want to go to Mass, to just go to Mass. Bishop even told the youth that if their parents are not regular Sunday Mass goers, then they would lead their parents by their example. Ask their parents to drop them off for Mass and pick them up after Mass. Then, during Mass, offer themselves to God, saying: "Here I am, Lord," and allow the Spirit to God to work in them and through them. Then, the bishop told the youth to receive our Eucharistic Lord in Holy Communion and allow God to dwell in them intimately and speak to them in their hearts. Finally, he said that as soon as they leave Mass and go outside, they are in mission territory. He encouraged the youth to embrace their baptismal call to bring others to Christ.

Finally, a brother Knight posted this question in the Comments: Deacon, ever feel like this dilutes the reverence and blurs the line into non-denominational Christian celebration confusing the youth?

I responded to him with this image:

The conference, for all the music, dancing, energetic and motivational speakers, excitement, and energy was Eucharist-centric. Bishop Janak (Archdiocese of San Antonio) celebrated Mass on Saturday. Bishop Kelly (Diocese of Dallas) celebrated Mass on Sunday, with Bishop Janak con-celebrating. We had 40 priests hearing 1,000 confessions. And Fr. Edwin led us in two Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and Holy Hour. As Fr. Edwin processed through the conference center with our Lord, there was not a dry eye at all. It was so moving to see our youth so in love with the Eucharist - Jesus' great give of himself to us, fulfilling his promise to be with us always until the end of the age.

I share my experience with you all in hopes that, in the future, K of C councils consider assisting their youth group ministry leaders when they needs help with fundraisers, events, etc., for your parishes' youth groups. Events like Steubenville Lone Star are so impactful for our youth and the youth are the future of our beloved Catholic Church.

Here is a link to my previous report from the Chapter meeting in May:
Deacon Phúc’s challenges for all Knights for the month of July
  • PERSONAL & FAMILY: Spend time with your families, especially your children.
  • COUNCIL: Host a fun family event that includes the Mass/Adoration.

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