Friday, June 28, 2024

Knight of the Year Acceptance Speech (6/27/2024)

Worthy Chaplain Fr. Charlie, Worthy Grand Knight Patrick, Brother Knights and wives, and friends,

This is completely unexpected. Thank you for this tremendous honor. I thank God above all and I thank my wife. I could not have done any of it without either of them. The Council and Knights continue to be instrumental in my faith journey and service to God so I am blessed to be surrounded by good Catholic gentlemen and to serve alongside each of you.

After next weekend, I will be able to bring you greetings from our State Chaplain Bishop Mulvey, as I start my role as Assistant to the State Chaplain.

I want to share two thoughts. First, as a Spiritual Director for the Austin Chapter these past few years, I have a better understanding of the hard work it takes to earn Star Council and to meet the various goals as a Council. However, let us never forget that our primary purpose as a Council at Saint Albert the Great Catholic Church is to serve the needs of our parish. Now, no one knows the needs of our parish more than our pastor, Fr. Charlie. I would encourage all the incoming officers to work closely with Fr. Charlie to do our part to help him meet the needs of the parish, for instance the Parking Lot Ministry needs the assistance of the Knights. It is a challenge to attend Mass and help with the Parking Lot Ministry in the same day but following the example of Blessed Fr. Michael J. McGivney takes sacrifice. Perhaps it means going to Mass on Saturday or the 12:00 Mass but, as someone who serves at more than one Mass on some weekends, it is a blessing. So, to the new installed officers, I encourage you all to work closely with Fr. Charlie to help him meet the needs of our parish because that is what the Knights so, be the right hand of the pastor.

Second, we are the only Council in the Diocese of Austin that has Cor. We are blessed not only to have the blessing of our pastor, Fr. Charlie, to start Cor but he has been at the Cor meetings to lead the faith formation and fellowship. As the Director of Faith Formation and Evangelization for the Austin Chapter, I have been approached by many brother Knights who want to start Cor at their parish. My first advice to him is, talk with their pastor and get his support. Therefore, I would encourage all brother Knights to join us for Cor. We have it on the 4th Thursday of the month (formerly the night of the Social Meeting) in hopes that it would not but another demand on the Knights since it is already "built" into the schedule for so many years. Please come to Cor and invite other men to join your. Iron sharpens iron, let us sharpen one another in faith and grow in faith together as Catholic men. Thank you for this great honor as Knight of the Year. Vivat Jesus!

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