Wednesday, May 1, 2024

"Reclaiming Faithful Fatherhood" Initiative (inspired by Cor) (UPDATED 6/3/2024)

Dear Brother Knights, Catholic gentlemen, brothers in Christ,

In prayer, God put in my heart the desire for men to reclaim faithful fatherhood for Him, the Eternal Father in heaven. To that end, the Holy Spirit inspired me to share with you this "Reclaiming Faithful Fatherhood" Initiative leading up to and through June, which is the month dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and includes Father's Day.

As we heard in the "Into the Breach" video on "Fatherhood" ( and Fr. Charlie's talk, men are the protectors and the providers for their families. . . particularly as the SPIRITUAL leaders of their "domestic churches". Inspired by that, here is the MISSION of the "Reclaiming Faithful Fatherhood" Initiative: All brother Knights will get their families - wives, children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren - to Mass on Father's Day.

In lieu of a Father's Day gifts, share with your children your desire for them to go to Mass with you as a family. Now, if you children live in a different city or state, then share with them that you would like them to go to Mass on Father's Day (which is on a Sunday) in communion with you. For some, this will be like David versus Goliath but, as men, we are called to be courageous. Fortitude is one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. This is why I present this "Reclaiming Faithful Fatherhood" Initiative to you now so that you have all of May to pray about it and ask the Holy Spirit to give you courage to extend this invitation.

Take a picture after Mass to capture the memory of you and your family going to Mass together on Father's Day. For those men whose children are in another city or state, invite them to take a picture after Mass and send it to you for your own keepsake.

As children celebrate First Holy Communion and Confirmation over the next month, let us tap into the graces of the Sacrament of Confirmation that we received and be bold, be Catholic, and bring our families to the altar of the Lord to receive the Eucharist, the source and summit of our Christian life.

Vivat Jesus.

Deacon Phúc Phan
Council #10333 | Assembly #3533
Saint Albert the Great Catholic Church
Diocese of Austin

Assistant to the State Chaplain
Texas State Council

1 comment:

  1. Here is a prayer invoking St. Joseph for the conversion of family members:


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