Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Exult, let them exult. . . (Easter Vigil 2024)

I had the blessed opportunity to chant the Exsultet (Easter Proclamation) at the Easter Vigil again this year. It is the second straight year that I have had this blessing. As before, I started practicing during Lent and, once again, met with Ben, our music coordinator for Mass in English, during Holy Week for his expert advice. I am glad I did because he was able to pick up "voice fatigue" as I got toward the end of the chant. I am grateful to Ben for working with me these past two years on the Exsultet; I even asked him for help to chant the Gospel (in the future).

While I started practicing at the start of Lent, things did really "click" until I practice on evening of Good Friday, at home in darkness with just my book light on. In that moment, it was as though the Holy Spirit was telling me: "This is how I want you to chant the Exsultet." And that was exactly how I practice it after the rehearsal for the Easter Vigil. I paced around the sanctuary as I chanted the Exsultet just loud enough for me to hear only. Ben invited me to warm up with the choir before the Vigil. It really helped loosen my vocal cords even more, so I am grateful to him for the kind invitation.

As I did last year, I had my Exsultet binder with me as we processed out to the "blazing fire." Then, after the congregation started to fill in the pews, I went to Father Charlie for my blessing. I bowed to the altar and then approached the ambo. I put my notebook on the ambo and received the thurible from the altar server (Seminarian Kingsley) and incensed my binder and the Easter candle. [Note: he wanted to stand behind me while I chanted the Exsultet but I asked him not to because I did not want to inhale the incense and cough during the Exsultet.] Upon returning to the ambo, I turned on the book light, got myself situated, and waited as the congregation continue to fill in the pews. That brief wait got my nerves going but then, I inhaled the Spirit and started. . . "Exult. . ." Next thing I knew, I was at the last verse and I remembered what our music coordinator told me last year: "Finish strong." And before I knew it, everyone was singing "Amen" with me.

At last year's Easter Vigil, I chanted the Exsultet for the first time as I celebrated 15 years (March 22, 2008) as a Catholic. This year, I chanted the Exsultet for the second time as I celebrated 5 years (March 30, 2019) as a deacon. While it was tiring to be at the parish for the entire day on Good Friday and Holy Saturday (with rehearsals and setting up), I know that being at the church and serving in whatever capacity I could helped me be in the right frame of mind and heart to chant the Exsultet as God desired of me and I am grateful. Moreover, I also visited with our Lord twice before Mass in the reservation chapel. I am excited to see what God has in store for me at next Easter Vigil. . . 

Here is a link to my reflection on being Catholic for 15 years:

Here is a link to my reflection from the Easter Vigil in 2023:

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