Monday, March 27, 2023

Reflecting on the Confirmation Mass (3/26/2023)

One of the many joys of being a deacon is serving with our Bishop. I had the blessed opportunity to serve with Bishop Joe (along with Fr. Charlie, Fr. Rito, Fr. Matthew (visiting from Kansas City, KS), and Deacon Jose) at the Confirmation Mass on 3/26/2023, at Saint Albert the Great Catholic Church. The hour leading up to the Mass, there was a lot of excitement but also a lot of preparation.

We were excited that a ~70 young men and women were going to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation and be strengthen by the gifts of the Holy Spirit to live out their Catholic and be witnesses of the love and mercy of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in the world. There was also a lot of preparation for the Mass - incense, music, altar servers to hold Bishop's miter and crosier, the Sacred Chrism Oil and, of course, we had a rehearsal the day before. Everyone did their part to help make the Mass reverent and special for the Confirmands.

Bishop Joe gave a wonderful homily in English and Spanish. He is just an amazing shepherd for the Catholic Church in Austin. He told the Confirmands that God wants to have life and live it abundantly but, not as the world would want them, but as God desires for them. As I listened to his homily and scan the faces of the Confirmands, I pray that they open their hearts and allow Bishop's words to permeate their souls. I also prayed that as they received the anointing with the Sacred Chrism Oil on their foreheads, in the sign of the Cross of Christ, and the sign of peace conferred on them by Bishop, that they opened their hearts and allow the Holy Spirit to permeate their very being - soul and spirit.

Many of the Confirmands smiled. Others had stoic expressions. But one girl cried as she returned to her seat in the pews after she was anointed and confirmed. It was so wonderful for me to witness that moment. I saw her after Mass and I told her how moved I was by her sincere expression of shear joy of receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation. As I reflected on it, I think God wanted me to see that and know that the seed of faith has been planted in the hearts of these young men and women. However, as Fr. Charlie reminded the newly Confirmed Catholics, they need to "activate" the gifts of the Holy Spirit because, while they have received the gifts, God has given them the freewill to accept and use them. . . or not. We pray that they do "activate" the gifts of the Holy Spirit and the graces of the Sacrament of Confirmation so that they can continue to grow in their Catholic faith and lead others to Christ.

Congratulations to Brittany, Frank, and their teams for their tireless efforts to form these young men and women in the faith! It is not easy being a catechist, always wondering if you are getting through to the students. But they did their part well and now it is up to the Holy Spirit of God with the cooperation of the young men and women and their sponsors. Please keep these all of them in your prayers.

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