Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Lenten Reflection - Day 30 - On suffering and hope

Sisters and brothers in Christ, in today's Entrance Antiphon we hear exclaim: "Wait for the Lord; be strong; be stouthearted, and wait for the Lord!" Yet, in today's first reading, the "children of Israel. . . with their patience worn out by the journey. . . complained against God and Moses." God, in His infinite love, shows them that while they are suffering, things could be worst for them. How? As Deacon Ron shared in his homily this morning, they could die without hope, without the presence of God in their lives. This helps us to put our own suffering into perspective.

Once a week, I post on Facebook that if anyone is in need of prayers, that I will pray for them and their intentions, especially when I serve (or attend) at Mass that weekend. Just this morning, I shared with my "boatmate" that praying for others reminds me to always give God praise, thanks, and glory for the many blessings in my life. My bad day is nothing compared to a mother who has suffered a miscarriage or a father taking care of his son who has cancer or someone who has a terminal illness.

I just love today's Communion Antiphon: "When I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw all to myself, says the Lord." In our suffering, we unite ourselves with the Suffering Servant on the Cross, and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ lifts us up and draws us to himself. From the Cross, Christ consoles us and grants us his peace so that we may experience joy even in the midst of our own suffering. Therefore, let us gaze upon our Crucified Lord on the Cross and have hope.
. . .
Gospel of the Day

Jesus said to the Pharisees:
"I am going away and you will look for me,
but you will die in your sin.
Where I am going you cannot come."
So the Jews said,
"He is not going to kill himself, is he,
because he said, 'Where I am going you cannot come'?"
He said to them, "You belong to what is below,
I belong to what is above.
You belong to this world,
but I do not belong to this world.
That is why I told you that you will die in your sins.
For if you do not believe that I AM,
you will die in your sins."
So they said to him, "Who are you?"
Jesus said to them, "What I told you from the beginning.
I have much to say about you in condemnation.
But the one who sent me is true,
and what I heard from him I tell the world."
They did not realize that he was speaking to them of the Father.
So Jesus said to them,
"When you lift up the Son of Man,
then you will realize that I AM,
and that I do nothing on my own,
but I say only what the Father taught me.
The one who sent me is with me.
He has not left me alone,
because I always do what is pleasing to him."
Because he spoke this way, many came to believe in him.

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