Thursday, February 9, 2023

Hail Mary: A 40 Days for Life Story

The original post was on 9/29/2020.
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Friends, I started my #40DaysForLife prayer vigil this morning at the abortion facility on Duval. On this the feast of the Archangels Michael, Raphael, and Gabriel, I tell you what, I was experiencing spiritual warfare as I have not experienced in a while.

Last night, in a moment of despair (I guess you would call it that), I thought to myself, are we making a difference - praying in front of abortion facilities? This morning, God answered me in two ways. First, I was listening to Relevant Radio on the drive to the abortion facility and the person on the show said that prayers  matter because (as I was reminded of) God works through prayers to move and convert hearts. Second, I saw this "Hail Satan" and upside-down crosses on the ground where I normally pray. So God was telling me, yes, we are making a difference if we are getting a response like this from the Evil One and his satanic minions.

So, as I prayed the "Hail Mary", I rearranged the rocks for them to say "Hail Mary" and turn the crosses right-side up, and made a finger rosary. Then, more spiritual warfare! As I was getting ready to pray the rosary for life, I thought I had lost my wallet and panicked. I thought about abandoning the prayer vigil altogether and return home to make sure that I, in fact, did not lose my wallet. But the Archangels interceded, calmed my nerves, and told me to stay the course and not get distracted. I felt the Blessed Mother Mary tell me that she would take care of me if I just pray the rosary. So, I prayed a healing prayer and then a deliverance prayer and a peace came upon me and I prayed the rosary for life. Afterwards, I prayed the healing prayer and deliver prayer again and blessed the area around me.

Evil exists in the world because we allow it to persist. Abortion will continue to exist when we allow Satan to feed us lies that devalues the life of the unborn child; lies such as "reproductive rights", "the unborn is not a person", "just a clump of cells and tissues". This is why the U.S. bishops call abortion the "preeminent issue" of our time. Central Texas Coalition for Life #EveryoneDeservesABirthday

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