Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Reflecting on the Relic of Blessed Michael J. McGivney (1/11/2025)

I am still unpacking the day spent with the Relic of Blessed McGivney. So many graces and blessings flowed forth. I am overwhelmed with God's love and Blessed McGivney's intercession. And, yes, I noticed the sunlight shining on the Relic during Holy Hour and Veneration. It was heavenly!

As I prayed and touched my KC Rosary (the one that got 17 years ago when I went through the First Degree Exemplification at Sacred Heart), I prayed for Blessed McGivney's intercession so that my heart can be conformed to Christ's Sacred Heart and that I transform into the husband, Catholic man, and brother Knight that Jesus needs me to be for his Church for the glory of God and the good of the Order.

It was so inspiring to see so many of the faithful venerate the Relic, touching their rosaries, Fourth Degree swords, and other sacramentals to the Relic. So many prayed before the Relic and left their prayer intentions in the box. Many wept as they prayed. It was so moving. The Church is alive and the faithful are devoted to our Lord Jesus Christ and his holy men and women, saints of God!

Many thanks for making our first Relic of Blessed Michael J. McGivney on Jan. 11, 2025 just a wonderful and blessed event. I have many to thank so please hold your applauses until the end. :)

Fr. Charlie for his blessings, prayers, and guidance.

GK Patrick & Deputy GK Greg for their leadership in helping me plan this event and wherever needed.

Art & George S. for coordinating the Fourth Degree SK, including District Master Blake, for the Fallout. Here is a video of the Fallout: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PDhVHF-r2jA&t=13s.

Andy R., John I., Patrick, David "Webby", Marcos, Art for leading us in the Holy Rosary during Holy Hour, and Anthony R. for getting the materials together.

Arnold, who did an excellent job as the thurifer for Holy Hour and an adult altar server at Mass.

GK Patrick for holding down the fort during Veneration while many of us participated in the C.U.F., including reading excerpts of materials about Blessed McGivney.

Edward J. for running the livestream with the help of George K.

George S., Andy R., Art, Patrick, John I., John P., Greg M., and Joseph C. for participating in the fallout.

Donovan G. for the tables with KC materials. 

Mike M. for being the liaison between our Council and State Deputy Ron Alonzo and Diocesan Deputy Victor Medina, and being there for our new Knights, including our Music Coordinator Ben Batalla.

Sr. Kelly and my wife, Theresa, for helping me with set-up for Holy Hour, Veneration, and Mass, as well as Deacon David for his part in the planning.

District Deputy Mike and his C.U.F. (Charity, Unity, and Fraternity) team for a job well done bringing in 12 new brother Knights into the Order.

Diocesan Deputy Victor ad his wife, Lady Melisa, for bringing the Relic to Saint Albert the Great, escorted by four members of the Knights on Bikes. Lady Melisa took great pictures of the event.

Of course, State Deputy Ron for his tireless effort to bring the Relic of Blessed McGivney to the  various Dioceses in Texas. (We missed First Lady Margo.)

If I am missing anyone, then please forgive me. It was truly a team effort to make this Relic event so reverent and successful.

Blessed Michael J. McGivney, pray for us and for our families.

Photo of the prayer intention box next to the Relic of Blessed Michael J. McGivney.

Photo of State Deputy Ron, holding the Relic, with Fourth Degree Sir Knights next to the clergy (Msgr. Brooks, Dcn. Phúc, and Dcn. Edward) after Mass.
Also, photo of the twelve (12) new brother Knights after the C.U.F.

Photo of State Deputy Ron presenting a copy of Blessed Michael J. McGivney "Apostle of the Young" to Diocesan Deputy Victor and Assistant to the State Chaplain, Deacon Phúc.

Here are some feedback from the Relic event:
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"After speaking with Brother Knights, we agree, that those that participated, were touched very deeply within our heart and soul. The Holy Hour Prayer was powerful, the words within that prayer were very gripping. and the men that lead the prayer were exceptional. Joseph and I were discussing how the Sunlight was shining on the Altar and the Blessed Sacrament during the Holy Hour. The clear skies were open for the Light of God to shine into our Parish for the Relic of the Blessed McGivney Event."
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"While streaming the Rosary, I noticed the sun starting to engulf the relic. I tried the two other cameras to limit the “brightness” to no avail. Then it dawned on me, don’t do anything. My thought was that this was a great sign, as if “something great will come of this event!” The power of GOD shining down! Also, I mentioned that one of my sisters was one of the number who streamed the Rosary. Talking with her yesterday, she and her husband were out on their  farm, building fence at the time and praying with  us. Those who say, “they couldn’t tune in” or “don’t have time!” One only needs to make “time” for GOD!"
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