Friday, April 26, 2024

Report from the KofC State Convention 2024 - Day 1 (4/26/2024)

I joined the Knights of Columbus in 2008 and then a Fourth Degree Sir Knight in 2010. It took 14 years before I attended my first KofC State Convention. I figured since I will be the Assistant to the State Chaplain for the next two years that I should see what my role entails at the State Convention ( We arrived at the hotel before registration opened but we were able to check into our room and unpacked and get settled in for the weekend. We then went through registration and was helped by the amazing wife of the Executive Secretary, whose husband is retiring after 15 years of service to the State Council and has his replacement in-tow learning his job duties.

I then attended the Clergy Seminar and Luncheon  Bishop Sis (San Angelo), the current State Chaplain, gave a wonderful talk on the role of the Chaplain and resources to help the Chaplain be effective evangelizers for their councils. Most of all, he emphasized the chaplain's role in encouraging the Knights to (1) go to Mass (Sunday and, if possible, daily Mass), (2) receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation, and (3) pray the Rosary. These are all so important in the formation of men in the Catholic faith so that they can be leaders in their own families - the "domestic churches." I am glad that our council prays the Rosary before our meetings but it was not always the case when I first joined.

During the Clergy Seminar and Luncheon, I also met our soon-to-be predecessor in the role of Assistant to the State Chaplain, Deacon Simon O'Donnell, from the Diocese of Lubbock. He and I had a great chat during lunch about his experiences the past two years. He also invited me to serve with him at Mass tomorrow and Sunday morning. After the Clergy Seminar and Luncheon, I met with Bishop Mulvey (Diocese of Corpus) and Fr. Tommy Chen (Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston) and Ron Alonzo & his wife, Margo. We had a wonderful discussion about faith formation for men through the Knights of Columbus.

During our meeting, I shared my own experience with Cor (, an initiative from Supreme for men's faith formation. We are currently doing Cor meetings at St. Albert the Great using the "Into the Breach" series as the topic. We are blessed for Fr. Charlie's support of Cor and for leading the faith formation part of the Cor meeting. The Cor model is so easy to follow: (1) pray (i.e., Rosary), (2) formation (i.e., "Into the Breach" series), and (3) fellowship (always with food). I am the Director of Faith Formation and Evangelization for the Diocese of Austin KofC Chapter.

The first day of the State Convention had been fun, relaxing, and every inspiring. So many brother Knights and wives from all over the State of Texas converging to attend Mass and pray together, be formed and educated, fellowship, and, of course, take care of business. I look forward to serving at Mass tomorrow and whatever else Day 2 of the Convention has in store. Please keep all of us in your prayers. #VivatJesus #KofC #StateConvention

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