Wednesday, November 1, 2023

"Stolen Blessing" Book Study (Chapters 14 - 19) with the Weary Travelers

The Weary Travelers faith-sharing men's small group started a book study on Catholic author Jim Sano's novel "Stolen Blessing". After reading the novel over the summer, I prepared this reading plan for our book study and discerned the following themes:

  • Introduction - Chapters 1 - 7
  • Mystery - Chapters 8 - 13
  • Search - Chapters 14 - 19
  • Wrong Person - Chapters 20 - 25
  • Confession I - Chapters 26 - 31
  • Elizabeth - Chapters 32 - 37
  • Jacob - Chapters 38 - 43
  • Confession II - Chapters 44 - 49
  • Forgiveness & Hope - Chapters 50 - 53
Below are my thoughts on chapters 14 to 19 of "Stolen Blessing" [and *SPOILER ALERT*]:

Chapter 14: What struck me the most is when Erick says to Fr. Tom: "I want to thin that prayers will work, but I am starting to lose hope." To which, Fr. Tom responds: ". . .you can't blame yourself for things you couldn't control" and he tells Erick can't to lose hope. Erick responds: "I want to believe that, I have to believe it."

It is understandable that when we are faced with tragedy we start to look inward. We start to wonder what we could have done differently. We start to doubt and blame ourselves. We start to isolate ourselves from those around us who love and care for us. Erick is doing just this, especially believing that his wife, Addie, would ever want him again after Elizabeth went missing. In other words, Erick starts to doubt Addie's love for him.

In these moments of trials and tribulation, we must gaze upward to God who is HOPE. We must have FAITH in the people around who, especially our loved ones. We must LOVE more, forgive more, show mercy more, rather than blame. Sometimes this feels impossible to do and, by ourselves, it can be impossible; however, with Jesus Christ our Lord, all things are possible. Rather than focus on things we cannot control, we focus on what is in our control - our response in faith, with hope, rooted in love.

Erick continues to struggle in his relationship with his dad, which seems to also put a wedge between him and his brother, Jack. Finally, Detective Brooks is planning to bring in Jack for questioning. Fr. Tom informs Addie of this and asks if her sister, Rachel, could be involved somehow.

Chapter 15: Every moment in life - the joys and the sorrows, the ups and the downs - are opportunities for us to grow in our relationship with God. Along the way, God put people in our path to help us rejoice in times of joy and also cry with us in times of sorrow, but always there to help lift us up. To remind us to remain faithful to God, not lose hope in Him, and to love each other as He loves us. This can be challenging because we are a fallen people, which is why faith and trust in God is so important and it starts with prayer.

Fr. Tom and Angelo go to see Detective Brooks to share Angelo's thoughts on the gravel that they found by where Erick laid after his attack. But first, they stop at Orchard Park to investigate the origin of the gravel that Angelo found. There, they found an homeless camp, which appears to be occupied but they tell Detective Brooks that they might have scared off the occupant.

Chapter 16: Fr. Tom and Angelo discuss the relationship among Erick, Addie, Jack, and Rachel, saying that certain things do not add up. They also say that it is almost like a soap opera with the four of them.

Chapter 17: Fr. Tom prays for the Comghan and Kerrins families. Detective Brooks leaves a message for Fr. Tom re following up with the person who has been staying in the vacant building. She claims not to know anything about a baby but word is that there is a black man who has been living there longer than she has. He name is Jimi Johnson. The detectives are able to track Jimi and determine that he is traveling to Tijuana with a white baby. Moreover, the woman staying in the vacant building is named Mariana Perez, who appears to be very ill.

Upon returning to Saint Francis, Fr. Tom finds Jack sitting in the pews and strikes up a conversation with him. Jack talks about how he and Erick both liked Addie back in high school and how he fell hard for Addie in college. However, Addie chose Erick and so Jack moved away after they got married. Jack shares that Addie confided in him about her anxiety after finding out she was pregnant. Fr. Tom also recalls Addie talking to him about abortion and if it is "actually killing a real human being and a sing that couldn't be forgiven" (p. 81). That is when Fr. Tom suspected that Addie was pregnant, and that she wanted to do the right thing.

Chapter 18: Jimi arrives in Joplin, MO and makes a call to a woman, who tells him that the police has been asking her questions. The police and FBI converge on the room at the inn but the room is empty. No Jimi. No baby.

Chapter 19: Fr. Tom and Angelo go and see Detective Brooks who tells them about what happened in Joplin, MO. Fr. Tom wants to tell Erick and Addie to let know know that Elizabeth is still alive but Detective Brooks warns against it. They then went to visit Erick in the hospital and tells Erick that Jack was at the hospital in the morning; however, Erick says that he did not see Jack. Angelo thinks that Jack was there to see Addie, not Erick. The soap opera continues. . .

Previous blog(s):
  • Stolen Blessing" Book Study (Chapters 1 - 7) with the Weary Travelers

  • "Stolen Blessing" Book Study (Chapters 8 - 13) with the Weary Travelers

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