Monday, October 30, 2023

"Stolen Blessing" Book Study (Chapters 8 - 13) with the Weary Travelers

The Weary Travelers faith-sharing men's small group started a book study on Catholic author Jim Sano's novel "Stolen Blessing". After reading the novel over the summer, I prepared this reading plan for our book study and discerned the following themes:
  • Introduction - Chapters 1 - 7
  • Mystery - Chapters 8 - 13
  • Search - Chapters 14 - 19
  • Wrong Person - Chapters 20 - 25
  • Confession I - Chapters 26 - 31
  • Elizabeth - Chapters 32 - 37
  • Jacob - Chapters 38 - 43
  • Confession II - Chapters 44 - 49
  • Forgiveness & Hope - Chapters 50 - 53
Below are my thoughts on chapters 8 to 13 of "Stolen Blessing" [and *SPOILER ALERT*]:

Chapter 8: Sr. Helen said something every important to us to take heed of. She said to Fr. Tom: "Praying is good, but I'm thinking the good Lord uses his hands on Earth to help answer some of those prayers."

I shared this from Chapter 3: In recent years, people have become very cynical of the phrase "thoughts and prayers" after a tragedy. And while it is true that we should take action where and when we can to affect change in our communities, we still need prayers because prayers change and convert hearts, through the power of the Holy Spirit, so there is nothing wrong with offering our "thoughts and prayers."

We are the hands and feet of Jesus in this world and, as followers of Christ, we are called to "get into the game" and lead others to Christ, to fight for justice, to be the voice of the voiceless, to protect the vulnerable, and to reach out to the marginalized.

Erick is awake and asks Fr. Tom about Elizabeth. Addie wonders why God would allow this to happen to someone "so small- -so precious." Fr. Tom says that he does not have the answer but that he must trust in God. Along with prayer and doing what we can, when we can, we must also TRUST IN GOD, especially when we are faced with difficulties and challenges in our lives (as hard as it may be for us).

Chapter 9: Detective Brooks follows Fr. Tom back to Saint Francis Church and asks Fr. Tom to recount the events of the morning of the baptism. Moreover, Jack comes to see Fr. Tom and Fr. Tom asks him about his relationship with his brother, Erick. Jack also shares that he helps Addie network with clients through this veterinary business. Fr. Tom also asks Jack about their parents. Jack leaves but seems to  have more that he wants to tell Fr. Tom but he does not..

Chapter 10: Fr. Tom visits Erick at the hospital and talks with Addie. Addie asks him why God does not return Elizabeth to which he assures her that the authorities are doing everything to find her. Fr. Tom then prays with Addie. Fr. Tom asks about Erick and Jack's lives growing up, their relationship with their grandfather, and how their mother preferred Jack and their father was harder on Erick. We learn that their father was also their basketball coach. Erick made the game-winning shot but his father/coach focused on the pass that Jack made to Erick instead, which devastated Erick. This affected the relationship between Erick and Jake. After leaving the hospital, Fr. Tom joins Detective Brooks and Angelo at Dempsey's Pub for food, drinks, and conversations about the case.

Chapter 11: Fr. Tom sees Jack and Rachel talking to each other. He approached Rachel after Jack left but she says that she was not meeting with anyone. Rachel brings Fr. Tom's homily at the baptism, saying she wants to "disappear and become someone new" (p. 48). However, Fr. Tom corrects her and says that "the idea is to become the person God made you to be, versus the one we try to create ourselves to be" (id). Rachel liked Jack growing. However, she does not have a good relationship with her sister, Addie, who she feels got all the attention. Rachel was jealous of Addie. Fr. Tom talks to Rachel about love, jealous, and envy. He says that "Virtues are always the best medicine. For envy, humility especially kindness can conquer even the worst cases" (p. 49-50).

Chapter 12: Fr. Tom joins Angelo as they visit Erick and Addie's apartment again. However, they are met with an assailant who hit Angelo and flees. Both Fr. Tom and Angelo end up at the police station with Detective Brooks after the officers arrived at the apartment. They discuss the case with Detective Brooks. 

Chapter 13: The mysterious Jimi Johnson pulls into a motel just outside of Columbus, OH. He has a baby with him. We learn that Jimi grew up without a father in his life, which led him on a path of emptiness and even prison time. However, we learn that he has someone who trusts him - Mariana. She believes in him and he would do anything for her. Mariana has cancer.

Previous blog(s):
  • Stolen Blessing" Book Study (Chapters 1 - 7) with the Weary Travelers

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