Saturday, September 2, 2023

Reflecting on a Brother Deacon's Funeral Mass

On September 2, 2023, my brother deacons and I, from the Diocese of Austin Diaconal Formation Class of 2019, remembered the life of Deacon Noel. One of my brother deacons said that it was the first time he had been back to St. Anthony de Claret Catholic Church since the funeral of another brother of ours - Deacon Daniel Guerra. Deacon Daniel died on August 15, 2018, a little over a week after he was ordained at a special ceremony with Bishop Vasquez, at our annual couples' retreat. Deacon Noel died on August 11, 2023, a few days short of the 5th memorial of Deacon Daniel's death. Back to what my brother deacon said. It made me sad to realize that since Ordination, we had not seen each other much except for Diocesan celebrations. I think we have to do a better job of keeping in touch with each other and our families, especially with the 5th anniversary of our Ordination in March 30, 2024. We shall see.

Theresa and I arrived to St. Anthony de Claret Catholic Church at around 8:45 and see saw Deacon Hector and his wife, Lizette, arriving so we waited for them and we shared hugs. Liz is Deacon Noel's sister, which made Deacon Hector his brother-in-law. What a blessing! Theresa and I waited our turn to see Deacon Noel one last time. Deacon Hector and Lizette was before us. I was so touched my the love that Lizette showed her brother and I cried. Theresa and I parted as she went to find her seats with the other deacon wives while I sent to the bridal room that as reserved as the clergy vesting room. It was so great to see so many of my brother deacons from our class. I think 20 of us were present at the funeral Mass (while another 14 were present at the Vigil the night before).

As we lined up to process in, I was reminded of all the times that my brothers and I lined up to process in during Formation - from the Rite of Lector to the Rite of Acolyte to Ordination. I was paired up with Deacon Robert Lindberg and as we processed in, I cried. Bishop Joe was out of the country so our Vicar General, Fr. James Misko, was the main celebrant. Deacon Hector was Deacon of the Word and Deacon Roy Briceno (another brother in Formation) was the Deacon of the Altar. I had the blessed opportunity to serve as a host minister alongside some of my brother deacons. So many parishioners came up to receive Communion with tears in their eyes and I did my best to hold back my tears.

Deacon Hector gave a moving homily in English and Spanish. Two things struck me the most from his homily. First was the wonderful relationship that he had with Deacon Noel that span decades. The deacon was the wisdom of Deacon Noel's daughter who truly understood how our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ can redeem our suffering and pain. Deacon Noel's daughter told her Tio (uncle), Deacon Hector, that Jesus Christ is bigger than the suffering and pain that she is going through after the lost of her father. What faith! It is faith that hope springs forth from because of the love of her Father and her father shared with her - their beloved daughter.

Finally, in his closing remarks, Fr. James talked about the late Pope Emeritus Benedict XVII and his reflection on heaven. Pope Benedict XVI said that heaven is not some distant land in a galaxy far, far away. Rather heaven is present all around us because God is all around us. Upon our death, God, our Father and Creator, pulls us to himself because He loves us. The veil between this world and heaven is so thin that, when we receive our Lord and Jesus Christ, present soul, spirit and divinity in the Eucharist, during Communion, we can feel the loving presence of our deceased loved ones who God has embraced close to His bosom. What hope for all of us who have lost loved ones! Our Lord and our God is so good, so merciful, so loving.

After the funeral Mass, all the priests and deacons present formed a line from the doors of the church to the hearst as we bid our brother, Deacon Noel Caballero, a final farewell. Deacon Daniel and Deacon Noel are reunited in heaven and, now, we have two holy men interceding for us from Heaven. We miss you both, Deacon Noel and Deacon Daniel. Until we meet again, please pray for us and our families but, most especially, please look after your wives - Maricarmen and Flora - from Heaven.

Eternal rest grant unto Deacon Noel, O Lord. May the perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul and the souls of Deacon Daniel and all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

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