Tuesday, August 29, 2023

7 Things & Cor - A Report of the Spiritual Director (8/28/2023)

On August 28, 2023, I had the blessed opportunity to attend the Knights of Columbus, Austin Chapter Meeting at Santa Cruz Catholic Church in Buda. My Spiritual Director Report focuses on Fr. Jared Cooke's presentation at the Triumph Men's Conference (8/19) and Supreme Cor Initiative.

I affirmed our Respect Life Director's report and encouragement of our brother Knights to participate in the 40 Days for Life Prayer Vigils at the two (2) abortion facilities in the Austin area. I shared that through the power of prayers and our prayerful presence at the Whole Women's Health facility on Duval, that abortion facility is now closed. Please prayerfully discern signing up to pray during 40 Days for Life. Click here to learn more and sign up: https://www.centraltexascoalition.com/signup/.

I then shared my experience at the Triumph Men's Conference, on Aug. 19th at St. Patrick Catholic Church, in Hutto, Texas. I shared that I enjoyed all the speakers - Paul J. Kim, Deacon Ralph Poyo, and Fr. Jared Cooke - but that it was Fr. Jared's presentation that struck me the most. I reported that Fr. Jared gave us his 7 Things that all men should do to help them group in their relationship with God and become better men for their wives, children, the Church, and society. These are the 7 Things:

  1. Love (a choice, act of the will, sacrifice) - "I choose to love my wife today."
  2. Go to Mass. (Prepare ourselves for battle. Give 1 hour to God and be fed. Bring an intention to Mass.)
  3. Pray Rosary daily. (Let Mother Mary fight for us.)
  4. Participate in the parish. (The Church has become feminized to fill the void of masculinity.)
  5. Practice asceticism. (fast on Fridays)
  6. Pray. Pray. Pray. (Make the Sign of Cross in the morning and at night. Bring God into the mundane daily life.)
  7. Make goals (2-3) and be intentional about.
Fr. Jared then shared what his own father called "raising a modern day knight", sort of a "rite of passage" for him and his brother, when his father introduced to them these four (4) principles of manhood:

  1. A real man rejects passivity.
  2. A real man accepts responsibility.
  3. A real man leads courageously.
  4. A real man expects a greater reward - God's reward.
I wrapped up my report with a brief discussion about Supreme Initiation called Cor. Click on the link for more information: https://www.kofc.org/en/who-we-are/our-faith/cor-structure.html. I shared how proud I was of my brother Knights in Council 10333 for voting to start Cor in September. Cor will replace the 2nd meeting of the month (the "social" meeting). Fr. Charlie is spearheading the efforts and I will be assisting him. I shared that the focus of Cor is prayer, formation, and fraternity. As my challenge to my brother Knights, I encourage them to join a men's faith-sharing small group at their parish, in Cor is not available, or start Cor or some form of men's faith-sharing small group at their parish.

We has some good discussions after my report. I thank my brother Knights for all they do. I was also happy to see that Chapter President, Victor Medina, had printouts of the Cor information for our brother Knights. I pray that Cor or men's faith-sharing small groups will thrive because I know that they will bear much fruit. Come Holy Spirit. Vivat Jesus.
. . .
Deacon Phúc’s challenges for all Knights for the month of September
PERSONAL & FAMILY: Join a men’s faith-sharing small group if COR is not available at your parish.
COUNCIL: Start COR or some form of men’s faith-sharing small group.

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