Monday, July 10, 2023

My Comforter. . .

This statue is on the grounds at the Oblates Retreat Center in San Antonio. I have seen it many times before and, every time I see it, it has brought me great comfort to know that Jude is in the loving arms of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. ❤️💕

This past weekend, as we approached this statue, these words popped into my mind and heart. . . MY COMFORTER. . . from my favorite hymn - "In Christ Alone." The rest of the verse is. . . "My Comforter, my All in All. . . Here in the Love of Christ I stand." It was such a powerful moment and reminder that Jesus is always with us, especially in our times of trials and challenges. But he is also with us in the day to day of life, in our joys, sorrows, struggles, success, doubts, beliefs. . . in the messiness of our human condition. 🙏🕊❤️

Lord Jesus Christ, thank you for never abandoning us to the temptests of life, but always being in the boat with us, to grant us your peace. Amen. 🥰

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Gospel Reflection - Fast Acceptable to the Lord (3/7/2025)

#newPODCAST Gospel Reflection - Fast Acceptable to the Lord (3/7/2025) 🙏❤🕊 Click to listen: