Friday, October 14, 2022

Deacon Retreat 2022 (Part 1)

Once again, I am the MC for the annual deacon retreat at Cedarbrake Renewal Center (in Belton/Temple). Last year, I filled in for Deacon Charlie but, little did I know, he was grooming me to be his replacement. LOL :) It was a wonderful experience and my brother deacons were very supportive. :)

Unlike last year, which was also my first time attending the annual deacon retreat, I decided to take the entire day off. While I still had to log on and work some - QBing from home - I had time to relax and prepare myself, not only for my role as MC, but also to be in the right frame of mind and heart to receive the fruits of this weekend. Being able to leave early allowed me to leisurely drive to the renewal center without concerns about traffic and whether I can make it in time. I will certainly plan to take off again next year.

I am excited to listen to our retreat leader - Fr. Bruce Nieli - present on "Deacons and Eucharistic Revival: Inviting All to the Table of Perfect Love." It is such a wonderful topic considering the Catholic Church in America is promulgating the Eucharistic Revival over the next three years. This is in response to a recent Pew Research poll that shows that less that 30% of Catholics believe in the Real Presence of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in the Eucharist - the source and summit of the Christian faith and life.

I plan to share reflections and thoughts throughout the weekend on this blog so I hope you check in and read my blog when you have a chance.

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