Thursday, August 18, 2022

Sunday Best

Sisters and brothers in Christ, back in May, I had a 2-week jury trial and, during those two weeks, I wore a suit to court every day. We dress up for job interviews, weddings, funerals, etc. because the importance of the occasion calls for us to be dressed appropriately. It is the same with Mass on Sundays. We dress in our "Sunday best". (However, I have been guilty of coming to Mass in jeans and sneakers while I am on vacation.) 

If it is important for us to be presentable in this life, how important is it for us to be presentable before our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. However, when we stand before God, it is not the earthly garment that He looks at but rather the things of this world that we have allowed to cover up the light of Christ, the love of God that dwells in our hearts and illumines our souls - making us unpresentable before our Lord and our God. As today's Gospel parable tells us,  "many are invited, but few are chosen" because the "white garment" that we received at our Baptism, and charged with bringing to Jesus unstained, has been stained by our sins.

What can we do? We can cooperate with God who desires to "give you a new heart and place a new spirit within you, taking from your bodies your stony hearts and giving you natural hearts. I will put my spirit within you. . ." Therefore, let us pray for the courage and conviction to open our hearts to received God's heart and spirit because our Lord is our God and we are his people.

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Deacon Sunday - Homily for the Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B - 10/13/2024)

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