Thursday, August 18, 2022

Prayer for Rain

 Prayer for Rain

O God, our Creator, you are the source of all life. It is through your divine providence and infinite power, that the wonder and splendor of all creation surround us. "How majestic is your name in all the earth." We pray to you who calms the raging waters and commands the wind, to provide us sufficient rain to meet our needs.

During this time of drought, we are mindful of our dependence on you for all that sustains our body and soul. We pray for the cooling, gentle rain that will once again bring life to the fields and crops that feed us, restore the colorful rainbow of flowers and the cooling shade of the trees.

We also pray for all those who are suffering from natural disasters. May they look to you for the strength to restore their lives and heal their wounded land.

Help us to always be good stewards of your creation and care for the many resources of this earth.

May your grace refresh our souls.

We ask for these blessings through the intercession of Mary, Queen of Heaven and Earth. Amen.

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