Saturday, September 7, 2024

The Little Host

This morning, I had the blessed opportunity to lead Adoration of our Lord Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament for Family Fiat with Mary: First Saturday Devotion at St. Albert the Great. When I arrived, I found out that the large monstrance was being used for a retreat and the small monstrance did not have a Consecrated Host. Fr. Hai and I discussed and he said to use the Consecrated Host that we normally use for Holy Communion at Mass. He said, "Large or small, it is still Jesus for the people to adore."

During Adoration, I reflected on that as I let our Lord Jesus Christ gazed upon me lovingly from the monstrance. I am reminded of what Pope Saint John Paul II once said, "In that little host is the solution to all the problems of the world.. It was a rough week and I had to miss Mass in the morning a couple of days. I am glad that I was able to spend time with Jesus this morning. I am at peace, filled with his joy, and feel his loving presence in my life. I am blessed.

When life's challenges and difficulties wear down on you, go visit our Lord Jesus Christ in the Most Holy Eucharist at Mass and Adoration. God is bigger than our problems and, most of all, He loves us unconditionally. Abide in his love and let Him rest in your heart.

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