Friday, July 12, 2024

Report to KofC Council #10333 (7/11/2024)

Worthy Deputy Grand Knight and brother Knights,

I had the blessed opportunity to attend the KofC State Council Organizational Meeting this past weekend (July 5-7) in Houston, TX. It was wonderful to there there with our State Chaplain and State Offers, along with the District Deputies from all over the State of Texas, including our own - District Deputy George S. I bring you greetings from our State Chaplain, Bishop Mulvey (Diocese of Corpus Christi), and our State Deputy, Ron Alonzo. I want to share three (3) from the Organization Meeting that stood out to me.

First, State Charities, I encourage you all to work with our Grand Knight and Financial Secretary to help our Council meet its State Charities goals. Also, our District Deputy has the State Charities pins that you all can have with a minimal donation of $20.00. The proceeds from the pins goes to our Bishop's charity and the State Charities to assist those in need throughout the State of Texas. For example, we have a brother Knight and his family in distress after Hurricane Beryl moved through Houston; the State Charities can assist them along with others in need. However, we have to do our part so get your State Charities pins and get one for your wives as well. I got one for my wife, too.

Second, membership recruitment takes the effort every Knight and not just the Membership Director. The theme for the next two years for the State Council is "Follow Me". We are called to follow Christ and to lead others to Christ. As Knights, we are called to share with other men how the Knights of Columbus has changed our lives and make a difference in their lives by inviting them to join the Order. Our State Deputy, Ron Alonzo, challenges us to "make a difference" in another man's live by helping them become a brother Knight, for prayer, for faith formation, and for fraternity. I encourage each and every one of us to invite men to join this fraternal Order which we love so much.

Third, as I learned during the Organizational Meeting, while our Council #10333 is not the only Council in the Diocese of Austin with Cor, we are the Council that started Cor from scratch. There are a couple of other Councils that have Cor by transitioning their existing men's faith-sharing groups to Cor, following the pillars of prayer, formation, and fraternity. However, Council #10333 is "pure" Cor. Therefore, please attend Cor on the 4th Thursday of the month and invite men from the parish to join us. Let us know our support for our pastor, Fr. Charlie, who is so supportive of Cor and even teaches the Formation section of Cor.

Thank you, brother Knights, for all your efforts and commitment to the Order and our parish. Let's make this fraternal year another great one for the good of the Order and for the greater glory of God. Vivat Jesus!

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