Monday, May 13, 2024

Reflecting on my Nephew's First Holy Communion (5/11/2024)

I had the blessed opportunity to serve at Mass where my nephew received First Holy Communion. My wife and I missed his Baptism because of Diaconal Formation class so I was SUPER happy not only to be able to serve at the Mass but to give him the Body of Christ and the Blood of Christ for his first time receiving. I have been looking forward to this moment since his mom told us the date and I made sure I went through the "proper channels" to receive permission to serve and give him First Holy Communion. I missed the rehearsal because we were driving into town at that time.

When we arrived at the church, I introduced myself to a couple of the deacons - Deacons Robert & Ed (pictured below) - at the parish and chatted with them. My wife then called me and said that they needed me over in the narthex to get checked in. I talked Mrs. Parker, who is one of the sweetest, most inspiring person I know. (She helped prepared our goddaughter for her First Holy Communion and trained her as a lector.) She walked me to the sanctuary and showed me where I should sit and where I would need to stand during Communion. As we were walking and talking, I offered her my condolence and prayers for her and her late husband. She started to tear up but kept going. What a strong woman of faith! Afterwards, I went into the sacristy and got vested.

Fr. Tom Ponzini, Deacon Robert, Deacon Ed, and I had a delightful chat in the sacristy with lots of laughter. Their director of worship even made a sign to welcome me! I told Fr. Ponzini that I served with him at my goddaughter's First Holy Communion. I also told him that I remembered his homily in which he talked about the "Chicken Ponzini" dish that is on the menu at Gaido's in Galveston ( I proudly shared with Fr. Ponzini that my goddaughter was the lector at the Mass so, while we were waiting to process in before Mass, as I was hugging my goddaughter, Fr. Ponzini came up and talked with her. Super proud godfather moment for me!

During Mass, I felt so blessed to see my goddaughter proclaim the First Reading. She was a natural! Then, I was all smiles as I watched my nephew bring up the gifts with another First Communicant. He did a fantastic job! Then came the big moment for him and me! He came up to me in the Communion line and, as I bent over, I raised the Host to eye-level and said, "The Body of Christ." He responded, "Amen," and I placed our Lord into the palm of his hand in which he made a perfect throne for our Lord. *tears welled up in my eyes* Then, I handed the ciboria to Deacon Ed in exchange for the chalice. I turned to my nephew and said, "The Blood of Christ." He raised his index finger - the universal sign of "one second please" - and I realized he was still consuming the Host. I smiled and waited. When he was ready, he looked at me and nodded and I said, "The Blood of Christ." *again, tears welled up in my eyes* He took the chalice from me, consumed the Precious Blood, and return the chalice to me. It was seamless! I was so proud of him!

The following day, we are at Mass for the Ascension of the Lord and my nephew went up for Communion right behind me. After I had received, and as I was walking to go back to the pews, I turned around and saw him receive our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in the Eucharist for the second time. It warmed my heart! It was an amazing weekend! I felt blessed beyond measure. And get this. . . the entrance hymn was "O God Beyond All Praising". . . the same entrance hymn at my Ordination five (5) years ago! God is good! All the time!

As the catechists were lining up the children to process in, I saw this beautiful image. Do you see it? Yes!! Our Blessed Mother Mary is guiding these children to the Altar of her Son, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

May the Blessed Virgin Mary always lead her children to her Son and remind them to "do whatever he tells them." Please keep these children and their parents in your prayers.

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