Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Lenten Book Study "Self Portrait" - Chapters 13, 14, 15, 16

Once again, I am leading a book study. This time the book is Jim Sano's novel "Self Portrait", the 3rd 4th book in the Fr. Tom series. It is a mini-book study over 4 evenings - Feb. 13th, Feb. 20th, March 5th, and March 19th - covering 8 chapters during each meeting.

To help us with our discussions, I came up with questions for us to reflect on and prepare to share during the meeting. The questions are:
  • Which character struck you the most in the chapter? Why?
  • Which character reminds you of yourself or someone you know? How?
  • Do you empathize or sympathize with any of the characters in the chapter? Which one? Why?
  • Were there any teachings or references to the Catholic faith that you picked up in the chapter? If yes, what is it and what were your thoughts?
  • What do you find most compelling about the chapter? Why?
Below are my thoughts on chapters 13, 14, 15, 16.

Which character struck you the most in the chapters? Why?

I would say Fr. Tom because he is still tormented by his past (read "The Father's Son" to find out why). He has moved forward from what happened but he still carries the guilt of his actions with him and is remorseful.

Which character reminds you of yourself or someone you know? How?

Billy because, after his nightmare about his son, Patrick, he found himself standing in front of St. Francis Church and went inside. Once he entered the church, he did not feel alone because he was in the presence of God. When I feel lost, sitting before the Real Presence of our Lord Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament brings me peace and comfort. Even though the problems do not go away, I take comfort in knowing that Jesus is with me always.

Do you empathize or sympathize with any of the characters in the chapters? Which one? Why?

Fr. Tom because, like many of us, our past can stay with us and torment us. He was able to move forward because he turned to God for help and now he is helping others - from David Kelly to Gus Busbi, to the Comghan and now Billy.

Were there any teachings or references to the Catholic faith that you picked up in the chapter? If yes, what is it and what were your thoughts?

Once again, Billy is struggling with Patrick's suicide, fearing that his son's soul is burning in Hell. More than that, Billy blames himself for not being there for his son, saying, "He needed a dad, and I wasn't there for him. . . He killed himself because I wasn't there to save him, to love him, to stop him.

What do you find most compelling about the chapters? Why?

Fr. Tom's ability to get Tobin "Tobey" Hope to reveal that Reggie Hope is his uncle. Detective Brooks' masterful interrogation of Tobey and, at the same time, earning Tobey's trust by keeping his promise not to get Tobey in trouble with his mom if he is honest with Brooks.

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