Saturday, January 20, 2024

My Vocation Story (Part 3) - Growing in Faith

In Part 2 (, I shared my conversion story and coming home to Rome at the Easter Vigil in 2008. In high school, I did a lot of volunteer work through after-school activities and clubs. I also volunteered at the public library and even at the nursing home where my mom worked at for years. So after I came into the Catholic Church, God put in my heart that I would grow in my newfound Catholic faith through volunteerism.

There was no better way than with a fraternal order whose first pillar is charity, and that was what I did. I became a Knight of Columbus a few months after I became Catholic and by the fall of 2010, I was a Fourth Degree Sir Knight. As I reflect back on first few years as a Catholic, I can see God's hands molding me and guiding me on the path that He would eventually call me to - as a deacon in His one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church.

God led me to the Knights of Columbus where I learned servant leadership through charity, Christian unity, fraternal brotherhood in Christ, and patriotism and love of country. He then helped me to grow in my faith, prayer life, and spirituality through my involvement with Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP) as a retreatant, team member, and then the chair of the Continuation Committee. My wife and I also worked with engaged couples as facilitators of the FOCCUS relationship inventory. Most of all, I was blessed with the opportunity to serve God by serving His people and building up His kingdom at Saint Albert the Great Catholic Church.

Through it all, God guided me and prepared me for His call to the diaconate, to become a deacon. . . Most of all, God knew exactly wanted I needed. He still does and continues to guide me every day.

[Pictured is me in my full Fourth Degree regalia, which my wife and family members pitched in to purchase for me for Christmas after my became a Sir Knight in 2010. I wore it for the first time at the March for Life/Rally for Life in January of 2011.]

My Vocation Story (Part 5) - Servant of the Suffering Servant born of a Lowly Servant

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