Saturday, December 9, 2023

"Stolen Blessing" Book Study (Chapters 38 - 49) with the Weary Travelers

The Weary Travelers faith-sharing men's small group started a book study on Catholic author Jim Sano's novel "Stolen Blessing". After reading the novel over the summer, I prepared this reading plan for our book study and discerned the following themes:
  • Introduction - Chapters 1 - 7
  • Mystery - Chapters 8 - 13
  • Search - Chapters 14 - 19
  • Wrong Person - Chapters 20 - 25
  • Confession I - Chapters 26 - 31
  • Elizabeth - Chapters 32 - 37
  • Jacob - Chapters 38 - 43
  • Confession II - Chapters 44 - 49
  • Forgiveness & Hope - Chapters 50 - 53
Below are my thoughts on chapters 38 to 49 of "Stolen Blessing" [and *SPOILER ALERT*]:

Chapter 38: Fr. Tom could not stop thinking about how uncomfortable things were between Erick and Addie during their last visit despite Elizabeth being home safe and sound. He goes to the gym to shoot some hoops to clear this mind when Detective Brooks shows up and tells them that Erick came to the station to visit Jack. Detective Brooks comments that it was strange to see two brothers - identical twins - act like strangers. Erick interrogated Jack about all the evidence against him while Jack tried to convince Erick that he did not do those things. Fr. Tom tells Detective Brooks that it seems as those they are forcing puzzle pieces to fit together even though they do not fit. Detective Brooks thinks that Mariana Perez is the key to solving the mystery.

Chapter 39: Addie comes to Mass on Mother's Day and waits to see Fr. Tom. She tells Fr. Tom that she "feels alone." She asks Fr. Tom to hear her confession. Addie blames herself for what happen to Elizabeth and how bad things are with Erick. During lunch, Fr. Tom and Angelo talk about what does not make sense. First, the blood that supposedly belongs to Elizabeth, yet she does not show any signs of physical harm. Second, Elizabeth does not have any bruises that might have been the result of Erick crushing her after he was attacked while holding her. Third, Jack really does not have a motive for attempted murder on Erick and the kidnapping of his goddaughter. They exam other potential motives together but nothing fits. They decide to go see Erick's and Jacks' parents in Southbury, Long Island.

Chapter 40: Fr. Tom and Angelo have dinner with Erick's and Jack's parents - Zak and Becca. Zak shares that Erick was not too keen on them attending Elizabeth's baptism. Zak says that Erick is like him, a perfectionist, ambitious. He also says that Becca tried to protect Jack too much. Becca thinks that Zak pushed them too hard. Zak coached the the state championship game and called the last play for Jack to take the shot; Erick did not support the decision. Jack was unselfish and knew that Erick was the better shooter so he passed the ball to Erick, who won the game. Zak gave Jack the credit because he felt that Jack was unselfish, unlike Erick. Becca says that Erick was seeking Zak's approval, while Zak was trying to show Erick love. Erick changed after that. On the drive back to Boston, Fr. Tom and Angelo talk about the relationship dynamics between fathers and children and mothers and children.

Chapter 41: Fr. Tom goes to see Jack and is told that Jack is getting transferred to the Norfolk facility while he wait for his trial to start. He tells Jack that he visited his parents in Southbury. Jack tells Fr. Tom his whereabouts on Sunday. He remembers that he got into an accident that dented his back bumper. Jack does not recall meeting Jimi Johnson nor does he know anything about the yellow canvas bag. Jack also does not remember meeting the Larsons and does not know anything about Visitation House. Fr. Tom asks Jack to trust him as a friend.

Chapter 42: Fr. Tom invites Erick to breakfast at the Eastside Cafe. He asks Erick if he could forgive Jack is Jack is guilty. Erick does not think that he could ever forgive Jack. They talk about forgiveness, hope, redemption, love - God's love (p. 188). Erick loses his appetite and comes home.

While walking, Fr. Tom runs into Addie who says that Erick came come distraught. She had to get out of the apartment to get some air and see Jack before he is transferred. They find out that Jack had already been transferred. Addie does not think that Jack is ambitious enough to plan it all. Addie then sees a picture of Jimi Johnson and recalls that she had seen him before at their apartment. While looking at the photos, Fr. Tom sees the one of Jack's car but does not see any dents on the bumper. He is cautiously excited that it might not be Jack's car.

Chapter 43: Jimi Johnson goes to Framingham to visit Mariana. Jimi talks about an "insurance policy."

Chapter 44: Addie is relieved that Elizabeth is doing well and does not show signed of being traumatized. Fr. Tom then asks Addie about the family - not just the three of them but the entire extended family. He believes "feelings and walls" are keeping the family from being what it could be. Fr. Tom starts questioning Addie about things that are going on between her, Erick, and Jack. Fr. Tom tells her that if she really wants to help Jack because she believes he is innocent, then she will have to tell the detectives her whereabouts on Sunday of the kidnapping and the dynamics of the relationship between the three of them. Just then, Erick appears and wants to apologize to Fr. Tom.

Fr. Tom tells Erick that Addie recognized the photo of Jimi Johnson and identified him as the person who came to their apartment to paint Elizabeth's room. They also talked about the video of the BMW, Fr. Tom's visit with Erick's parents, and the treatment that baby Marie needs.

Chapter 45: Detective Brooks calls Fr. Tom and gives him an update on their follow-up to the accident that Jack told them about. Detective Brooks says the date on the license in the picture - taken by the woman involved in the accident - was different than the date on the license in the video. They think someone could be trying to frame Jack. They also found Katie O'Donnell, who told them the entire story, in exchange for no charges against her for her involvement. Fr. Tom goes to Framingham to visit Mariana and convince her to tell them where to find Jimi Johnson (and Marie).

Chapter 46: After his visit with Mariana, Fr. Tom feels disheartened and goes into the church to pray. He see Erick sitting in the front pews. Erick tells Fr. Tom that he wants to pay for baby Marie's treatment. Fr. Tom brings up about helping Mariana as well. He then shifts gears to Jack, to which Erick responds that he is not his brother's keeper. Fr. Tom disagrees. Erick then leaves abruptly.

Chapter 47: Fr. Tom runs into Rachel at a cafe while out running to clear his head. Rachel confesses that Jack is trying to be a gentleman and protect her. Rachel tells Fr. Tom that she was with Jack. . . Rachel recalls how she saw Addie & Jack talk at the baptism. She also mentioned to Erick about her thoughts on Addie & Jack and Erick was not happy either.

Rachel then tells Fr. Tom how she went to see Jack at hotel on Sunday morning but he had ready left. When she called Jack, he was in the middle to dealing with a car accident. When Jack called her back, Rachel confessed her love for him. Jack shared the Addie told him the same thing, that she wanted him to move on with his life without her. Jack told Rachel that he would like a relationship with her, no promises though. They spent the afternoon together in his hotel room. She plans to go to the police and tell them the truth. 

At the station, Detective Brooks tells Fr. Tom that Erick decided to fund Marie's treatment, Furthermore, Jimi Johnson turned himself in for assaulting Erick and abducting baby Elizabeth. Detective Brooks plans to seat in on the interrogation of Rachel to determine how credible she is. Fr. Tom wishes him luck as he tries to tie up the loose ends.

Chapter 48: Fr. Tom calls Erick about this generous offer to pay for Marie's treatment. He then asks Erick to meet him at St. Francis to talk. Fr. Tom tells Erick about meeting his parents and how Erick has a great family - including his parents. They start talking about Erick's relationship with this parents, his desire to start his own family with Addie, and their struggles to conceive a child.

Fr. Tom questions Erick about the metal box, which he confesses that he and Angelo broke into their apartment and looked through the contents of the box. Erick gets uncomfortable with Fr. Tom's questions about him tracking Addie's whereabouts and the paternity test results. Erick explains to Fr. Tom why he was suspicious of Addie and Jack. Fr. Tom then recounts his conversation with Jack in which Jack told him that Erick called him out of the blue to meet up. Erick then asked him to use his car to run errands and asked to take a swab of his cheeks to run a genealogy.

Fr. Tom tells Erick that the lab did not run certain tests that could distinguish identifying markers in identical twins that share the same DNA - like the same that Erick submitted for the paternity test. Erick is speechless at the revelation. Also, Fr. Tom reveals how Elizabeth's blood could have been draw without harming her or leave visible signs. Erick panics as he thought about what he had done. Fr. Tom encourages him to go to the police and tell them the whole truth. Fr. Tom also talks to Erick about forgiveness and not to think that he has already lost his family. Erick as Fr. Tom to go to the police with him to give him courage.

Chapter 49: Fr. Tom tells Erick to starting trusting, starting with his family. Erick confesses his crimes to Detective Brooks with Fr. Tom by his side. He thought that he was doing Elizabeth a favor if she was with a family who would love her a in what that he could not love her. He recounts how he met Jimi & Mariana when they were in the hospital for the birth of Marie. He also explains how he got Jack's blood for the paternity test, as well as access to Jack's black BMW. Detective Brooks acclaims that Erick had everything figured out.

Things started to fall into place for Erick's plan after he talked with Sam and Becky Larson. Erick says that Jimi declined to participate in his plan until Mariana begged him to find a way to get Marie the treatment she needed. Erick was late to the baptism because he was planting evidence to frame his brother, Jack. He let Jimi into his apartment before Fr. Tom arrived and took a risk (which he felt was worth) allowing Jimi to whack him. Erick says that he took the change that Jack did not want to admit he was with Rachel to Addie so Jack would not have an alibi. Erick is willing to pay for Mariana and Marie' treatments and to sign whatever statement he needs to get Mariana and Jimi off the hook. Erick says that all he ever wanted was to be admired by his father, but Fr. Tom was good enough for him. Fr. Tom is hopeful that Erick's confession will help his family find healing.

Previous blog(s):
  • Stolen Blessing" Book Study (Chapters 1 - 7) with the Weary Travelers
  • "Stolen Blessing" Book Study (Chapters 8 - 13) with the Weary Travelers
  • "Stolen Blessing" Book Study (Chapters 14 - 19) with the Weary Travelers
  • "Stolen Blessing" Book Study (Chapters 20 - 25) with the Weary Travelers
  • "Stolen Blessing" Book Study (Chapters 26 - 37) with the Weary Travelers

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