Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Knights of Columbus Austin Chapter - A Report of the Spiritual Director (11/27/2023)

Worthy Chapter President and brother Knights,

It is good to be present with you. The first part of my Spiritual Director Report is on the Cor Initiative from Supreme. Council 10333 conducted its initial Cor meeting in September. You can read my reflection on the fruits of that Cor meeting in my report here: https://dcnphuc2019.blogspot.com/2023/09/cor-knights-of-columbus-initiative-part.html. I also invited the Grand Knight, Patrick Medina, and Mike McLaughlin to share their thoughts and experiences with Cor. GK Patrick reported that the Cor meetings in October was on Brotherhood. Fr. Charlie gave a wonderful talk on Brotherhood and then showed a video from the "Into the Breach" series. After watching the video, the men in attendance had small group discussions at their tables. Following the discussions, everyone shared a meal. GK Patrick shared that about 20 men participated in the Cor meeting. They are taking a mini-break in November and December and will meet again in January 2024. Mike shared a bit on the structure of the meeting, which is very easy and straight-forward for Councils to implement at their meetings. I thank my Worthy Grand Knight and Mike for sharing their experiences of Cor with us.

UPDATE: Here are remarks from the Faith Director for Council 10333 (shared with permission): "Kudos to Grand Knight Patrick Medina  who took on the challenge of spearheading the “COR initiative” of the ground in our council, to bring us together as Catholic gentlemen, heads of our individual families, leaders in our communities and more. Then, kudos to our own Fr. Charlie gave a truly amazing speech on “Brotherhood”, what it means to be a “friend” to one of the Knights in need or to anyone who is weighed down by life’s struggles."

The second part of my Spiritual Director Report touched on the season of Advent, which marks the start of the new liturgical year in the life of the Catholic Church. While the secular New Year last only a day, the Church, in her wisdom, gives us a full season to slow down and prepare ourselves for the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ but also for His Second Coming at the end of times. The Gospel reading - on the Judgement of Nations - that we heard proclaimed on the Feast of Christ the King this past Sunday reminds us of our own mortality and that all of us will stand before the judgment seat of Christ and give an accounting of our lives.

I also mentioned about the editorial by Supreme Chaplain Archbishop William E. Lori titled "Results May Vary" (which can be found in the November 2023 edition of the "Colombia"). In his editorial, the Supreme Chaplain talks about how each of us experience the Mass differently depending on where we are in our relationship with Christ, our faith journey, and what moves us. For some of us, it is the music that touch our hearts. For others, it is the readings that stir our minds to the divine. For others still, it is the homily that inspires us. Whatever it may be, I encourage my brother Knights and their families to find that their "faith language" is this Advent season and use that to grow deeper in their relationship with Jesus and invite others to do the same.

Specifically, I encourage my brother Knights not only to invite family members or friends who have not been to Mass in a long time to return to Mass this Advent season but to accompany them as well. Help them to get "re-situated" to going to Mass regularly. I shared with my brother Knights how wonderful it was for me to witness my 7-year-old nephew sing along during Mass, say all the responses, and pray all the prayers. It was a beautiful thing to witness and we can help us to love the Mass as much as we do. Advent is the perfect time because it is the start of a new liturgical year.

Additionally, I shared these three points that the Supreme Chaplain wrote in his editorial:

  1. “. . .the liturgy is not something we do for God but something God does for us.” - this is similar to the Cor virtue of PRAYER, to ask God to open our hearts to receive Him more fully.
  2. “. . .the purpose of the liturgy is to glorify God and to sanctify the Christian people.” - this is similar to the Cor virtue of FORMATION, to ask God to form us to be more like His beloved Son, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
  3. “. . .we simply asked the Lord to help us to grow in holiness and charity - to share more deeply in his goodness and love - as individual persons, as a parish, as a Church?” - this is similar to the Cor virtue of FRATERNITY, we cannot grow in holiness by ourselves, we need each other to help us to grow in holiness and charity as individuals, which in turn will help our parish grow in holiness and charity, which in turn help the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church - the Body of Christ - grow in holiness and charity.
Here is the link to the November 2023 edition of the "Columbia" Columbia November 2023 by Columbia Magazine - Issuu.

[It was announced at the end of the meeting that I am the Faith Formation Director for the Diocese as it relates to the Cor Initiative. If any Council would like to get Cor started, then please feel free to reach out to me at deaconphuc@saintalbert.org. As I shared with a brother Knight, from the Council in San Marcos, Cor is not a replacement for men's faith-sharing small groups that already exist at your parish. Cor is another opportunity for men to pray together, be formed in their faith, and enjoy fraternity with each other over a meal.]

Finally, I gave my brother Knights these challenges for the month of December:
  • PERSONAL & FAMILY: Read the Gospel of Luke, 1 chapter a day from Dec. 1 to 24, to prepare for the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ..
  • COUNCIL: Support Advent Parish Mission and Penance Service and encourage members and families to attend, especially those who have not been to Mass in a while. Refrain from using “A.C.E.” Catholics, etc., but be welcoming to all.
Links to previous Spiritual Director reports for 2023-2024 fraternal year:
  • A Report of the Spiritual Director (10/23/2023) https://dcnphuc2019.blogspot.com/2023/09/cor-knights-of-columbus-initiative-part.html
  • A Report of the Spiritual Director (9/25/2023) - UPDATED https://dcnphuc2019.blogspot.com/2023/11/k-of-c-austin-chapter-report-of.html
  • 7 Things & Cor - A Report of the Spiritual Director (8/28/2023) https://dcnphuc2019.blogspot.com/2023/08/7-things-cor-report-of-spiritual.html
  • Greatest roles of fatherhood - A Report of the Spiritual Director (6/26/2023) https://dcnphuc2019.blogspot.com/2023/06/greatest-roles-of-fatherhood-report-of.html

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