Friday, September 29, 2023

Cor: A Knights of Columbus Initiative (Part 1)

KC Council 10333 held our first #Cor meeting tonight and we had almost 30 men in attendance. These men "sacrificed" #TNF and came together for prayer, formation, and fraternity! Many thanks to the Cor leadership team, led at Grand Knight Patrick J. Medina, for their efforts to make the launch tonight such a wonderful success!

We prayed the Rosary, watched the "Into the Breach" video on "Masculinity", and had small group discussion.  My small group table included Steve S., Stephen C., Art B., and Arnold L., and we had great discussions about masculinity and what it means to us.

Also, gratitude to Fr. Charlie Garza for leading us tonight. He talked about how men are called to be responsible and vulnerable. He also shared a wonderful story that really speaks to a man's role as the spiritual leader of his family and how Satan attacks the father/husband to bring down the family (and society).

I want to share these resources with not only the men who attended Cor last night, but with everyone on the Council e-mailing list.

Here is a great article on "toxic masculinity".

Here are great articles on authentic masculinity in the image of Christ crucified.

I encourage the men who attended last night to share their experience and encourage other brother Knights and men in the parish to attend Cor next month. This is an Initiative from Supreme and had the full support of Pope Francis (see article below). #VivatJesus

"Faith-Centered Friendship: Cor offers Knights and other Catholic men a way to deepen their relationship with Christ and one another" by Supreme Knight Patrick E. Kelly (9/1/2023)

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Trial Preparation: A reflection on getting to heaven

Over the past 3 years, I have had to prepare for 3 2-week jury trials. In 2021, it was the "pandemic" trial. We were the first major trial in Travis County during the pandemic. Our clients, Litigation Support person, and I were confined to the jury box. The jurors sat in the gallery, spread out 6-ft apart, and we had facemasks and face shields. I supported 2 attorneys during that 2-week jury trial and the weeks of trial prep leading up to the trial. In 2022, while we still wore facemasks, things were more or less back to normal post-pandemic. In that trial, I supported 3 of our attorneys and, in a sense, 2 of our co-counsels. I also learned a available lesson: attend pretrial and track which exhibits were preadmitted.

However, the preparation for the trial in 2023 took it to a whole new level for me. Now only did we take this case over from another law firm, but I also took this case over from another paralegal. Leading up to the May trial setting, the biggest challenge were the trial exhibits - ours and the other side's exhibits. On the deadline to exchange exhibit lists, I was at the office until midnight as two attorneys sent me documents after documents to add to the exhibit list. We ended up with over 700 exhibits on our list and served our list with a couple of minutes to spare. The other side had over 700 exhibits on their list as well. The task then became to gather the exhibits and affix exhibit stickers on set of exhibits. However, since both sides decided not to exchange exhibits, I also had to pull the other side's exhibits and affix exhibits stickers on them. This presented a challenge because they listed multiple variations of the same document on their exhibit list. In the end, the trial got continued and reset to September.

Fast-forward to September and we faced a different challenge with our trial exhibits. One of our attorneys wanted to convert all our Excel files to PDFs and add the "metadata" information for the Excel spreadsheets at the end. It took us days to complete this conversion but we did it. Since the May trial setting to this one, we added another 100 exhibits to our list and the other side added another 50 or so more exhibits. They did not send us their exhibits until the weekend before trial started but, at that point, I was just glad that they sent the PDFs of their trial exhibits to us. In the end, the case was resolved before jury selection and, just like that, it was over. In the days following the resolution of the case and, after I was able to catch my breath, I thought back on lessons learned and reflected on my experience supporting 6 attorneys preparing for a 2-week jury trial. Interesting enough, God put on my heart thoughts on how this trial preparation experience is like preparing ourselves for heaven.

In this Gospel for the Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, we read Jesus parable of "The Workers in the "Vineyard" from the Gospel of Matthew. In this Gospel, we learn that to obtain the kingdom of heaven, we have to work for it in our lifetime. Even those who come last still have to work and do their part to obtain the kingdom of heaven. They must experience a conversion of the heart and make the effort to repent and change their ways of life and thinking, putting behind their old ways and being renewed in Christ. However, they were not alone in the vineyard. There were other workers laboring away beside them. While I was the primary paralegal supporting 6 attorneys in preparation for trial, I could not have done it without the help of my fellow paralegals. From highlighting deposition designations to converting Excel files to PDFs to responding to the various needs of the attorneys, my colleagues jumped in to help me with various aspects of trial preparation. It was a team effort! I am blessed to be part of this amazing group of paralegals! On our journey to heaven, we cannot do it all my ourselves, which is why God gave us each other - the many parts of the One Body of Christ. In our CALLED TO BE ONE Marriage Class, we tell our couples that their most important responsibility is to get each other to heaven but they do not have to do it alone. They have their families and friends but they also have their parish community and the Communion of Saints to help them.

In the first reading from the Book of the Prophet Isaiah, we hear that God is "generous in forgiving." I remember one afternoon, we were feverishly working on the trial exhibits to meet a deadline. Emails were flying, phones were ringing off the hook, and I had attorneys in and out of my office giving me instructions and checking up on our progress. Then I received a phone call from one of the attorneys who apologized to me for being short with me earlier. It took me by surprise and I tried to think of if and when this attorney was "short" with me. I responded saying that I did not think the person was "short" with me at all. When tasks have short fuses and everyone has worked long hours and late into the night, it is important to be respectful of each other. After all, we are call on the same team, working toward the same goal. It is the same on our journey to heaven. Peter once asked Jesus how often he should forgive a brother who had sinned against him - 7 times? Jesus responded 77 times or 7 times 77 times (in another passage of the Gospels). In those moments, when I receive tasks (at work or from God) that cause me to think to myself "seriously" or "are you kidding me?", I pause, say a prayer, and remind myself that God is merciful and for me to trust in Him.

Whenever I have a case that is approaching trial, I always pray for the case to settle because I know that the two parties can reach an agreement that is in each other's best interests if they work together rather than put it in the hands of 12 jurors. This is how Jesus teaches us to resolve our differences. We first approach the person who wronged us and try to work it out. If that does not work, then we invite a few others as witnesses to help us work through things. And, if that does not work, then we involve the Church. For more personal and selfish reasons, I have experience and prepare for enough trials to last me a lifetime. However, I trust in God that if a case does go through a full trial, then there is a lesson that God is trying to teach me through that experience. I find this to be true with the trials in 2021 and 2022, and preparation for this trial in 2023 that was resolved before jury selection. I am reminded of what Saint Paul wrote to the Philippians in today's second reading: "I am caught between the two. I long to depart this life and be with Christ, for that is far better. Yet that I remain in the flesh is more necessary for your benefit." We are on this journey in life for a purpose and that purpose is to prepare ourselves for eternal life. We help each other along the way, we forgive and ask for forgiveness, and we trust in God's mercy and turn to Him in faith, knowing in our hearts that everything we are going through has meaning and purpose - to help us grow closer to our Father in heaven.

In the throes of the craziness of life and work, we can lose perspective on the goodness and faithfulness of God in our lives. For example, I had a case set for trial at the end of April, which would have caused preparing for the May trial setting to be challenging, but that case settled. Then, I had a case that was set for trial in October, which would have made preparing for that trial while handling this trial to be challenging (to say the least), but that case also settled. When we go through various trials and tribulations in life, as we a living through them and not being able to see the "light at the end of the tunnel", we lose sight of God's loving presence in the midst of it all. However, if we take a deep breath and pray, we will know in our heart that God is with us each and every step of the way, guiding our path to be with Him in heaven. Jesus, I trust in you.

Saturday, September 2, 2023

Reflecting on a Brother Deacon's Funeral Mass

On September 2, 2023, my brother deacons and I, from the Diocese of Austin Diaconal Formation Class of 2019, remembered the life of Deacon Noel. One of my brother deacons said that it was the first time he had been back to St. Anthony de Claret Catholic Church since the funeral of another brother of ours - Deacon Daniel Guerra. Deacon Daniel died on August 15, 2018, a little over a week after he was ordained at a special ceremony with Bishop Vasquez, at our annual couples' retreat. Deacon Noel died on August 11, 2023, a few days short of the 5th memorial of Deacon Daniel's death. Back to what my brother deacon said. It made me sad to realize that since Ordination, we had not seen each other much except for Diocesan celebrations. I think we have to do a better job of keeping in touch with each other and our families, especially with the 5th anniversary of our Ordination in March 30, 2024. We shall see.

Theresa and I arrived to St. Anthony de Claret Catholic Church at around 8:45 and see saw Deacon Hector and his wife, Lizette, arriving so we waited for them and we shared hugs. Liz is Deacon Noel's sister, which made Deacon Hector his brother-in-law. What a blessing! Theresa and I waited our turn to see Deacon Noel one last time. Deacon Hector and Lizette was before us. I was so touched my the love that Lizette showed her brother and I cried. Theresa and I parted as she went to find her seats with the other deacon wives while I sent to the bridal room that as reserved as the clergy vesting room. It was so great to see so many of my brother deacons from our class. I think 20 of us were present at the funeral Mass (while another 14 were present at the Vigil the night before).

As we lined up to process in, I was reminded of all the times that my brothers and I lined up to process in during Formation - from the Rite of Lector to the Rite of Acolyte to Ordination. I was paired up with Deacon Robert Lindberg and as we processed in, I cried. Bishop Joe was out of the country so our Vicar General, Fr. James Misko, was the main celebrant. Deacon Hector was Deacon of the Word and Deacon Roy Briceno (another brother in Formation) was the Deacon of the Altar. I had the blessed opportunity to serve as a host minister alongside some of my brother deacons. So many parishioners came up to receive Communion with tears in their eyes and I did my best to hold back my tears.

Deacon Hector gave a moving homily in English and Spanish. Two things struck me the most from his homily. First was the wonderful relationship that he had with Deacon Noel that span decades. The deacon was the wisdom of Deacon Noel's daughter who truly understood how our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ can redeem our suffering and pain. Deacon Noel's daughter told her Tio (uncle), Deacon Hector, that Jesus Christ is bigger than the suffering and pain that she is going through after the lost of her father. What faith! It is faith that hope springs forth from because of the love of her Father and her father shared with her - their beloved daughter.

Finally, in his closing remarks, Fr. James talked about the late Pope Emeritus Benedict XVII and his reflection on heaven. Pope Benedict XVI said that heaven is not some distant land in a galaxy far, far away. Rather heaven is present all around us because God is all around us. Upon our death, God, our Father and Creator, pulls us to himself because He loves us. The veil between this world and heaven is so thin that, when we receive our Lord and Jesus Christ, present soul, spirit and divinity in the Eucharist, during Communion, we can feel the loving presence of our deceased loved ones who God has embraced close to His bosom. What hope for all of us who have lost loved ones! Our Lord and our God is so good, so merciful, so loving.

After the funeral Mass, all the priests and deacons present formed a line from the doors of the church to the hearst as we bid our brother, Deacon Noel Caballero, a final farewell. Deacon Daniel and Deacon Noel are reunited in heaven and, now, we have two holy men interceding for us from Heaven. We miss you both, Deacon Noel and Deacon Daniel. Until we meet again, please pray for us and our families but, most especially, please look after your wives - Maricarmen and Flora - from Heaven.

Eternal rest grant unto Deacon Noel, O Lord. May the perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul and the souls of Deacon Daniel and all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

Deacon Sunday - Homily for the Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B - 10/13/2024)

Good morning. When Peter said to Jesus: "We have given up everything and followed you," he is sharing with us the reality of a lif...