Monday, July 24, 2023

Reflecting on the Men's Mass (7/22/2023)

Yesterday, I had the blessed opportunity to attend the annual Men's Mass, at St. Joseph Catholic Church, with my fellow Weary Travelers men faith-sharing small group. The Mass was hosted by the Central Texas Fellowship of Catholic Men.

Fr. James Misko celebrated the Mass on the feast of Mary Magdalene and gave a wonderful homily. He tied his message from last year's Men's Mass with this year's message. Personally, Fr. Misko reminded me the importance of abiding in Jesus' love, of being a beloved son of the Father. Fr. Misko mentioned how difficult it is for us men to just sit with the Real Presence of our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament for Adoration / Holy Hour. We want to fill it with prayers, spiritual readings, and conversations with God. However, we sometimes just need to sit in silence and abide in Jesus' love so that we can hear God say our name just as Christ called Mary Magdalene by her name that Easter morning.

After the Mass, the Weary Travelers enjoyed fellowship and food at Casa Garcia's Tex-Mex, while discussing the graces that we received from the Mass. I am so blessed to be surrounded by men who are faithful to God, their families, and the Catholic Church. 🙏🕊❤️

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