Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Dearest Goddaughter (LTR-9)

Dearest Goddaughter,

Today is the Memorial of Saints Joachim and Anne, Parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary. 

The first reading from the Book of Exodus reminds us that God will always provide for our needs as He provided manna and quail for the children of Israel. Oftentimes, we grumble about what we have or do not have because we desire the stuff that this world has to offer. However, when we truly reflect on our life, we will see that God provides us with everything that we will need, starting with people who love us, and we should be grateful to God for taking care of us.

Interestingly enough, today's Gospel passage is the same one for the Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary. Nevertheless, it is an important passage for us to remember. When we pray and discern God's will for our lives, there are three voices that speak to us.

The first is our own voice. This is the voice that can be compared to the seed that feel on rocky ground with little soil. The seed springs up at once but then the sun scorches it for lack of roots. When we listen to our own voice, we get excited and extremely motivated but then we can lose interest just as fast because there was no depth of reason for our excitement, except that something might be new and interesting to us, and so we lose interest quickly - like a hobby.

The second voice is the voice of the Evil who wants nothing more than to accuse us and distract us. This is the voice that can be compared to the seed that fell on the path and is eaten up by the birds or the seed that is choked by the thorns. This voice can choke us so that things that we do, especially things of God, do not bear fruit because this voice aims to distract us from what is important and even accuse us, making us question ourselves but, more than that, we begin to question God's will for us. This was what happened to Adam & Eve in the Garden of Eden when the serpent approached them and deceived them.

Finally, the third voice is the voice of God, our Father in heaven. This is the voice that can be compared to the seed that falls on rich soil and produce fruit. It is a voice that brings us peace in the midst of trials and tribulations. We are even joyful because we feel God's loving presence in our lives, correcting us and not accusing us. Most of all, God's voice reminds us that we are beloved sons and daughters of our Father in heaven.

Therefore, dearest goddaughter, pray often and God will speak to you in such a way that will bring you peace and joy in your life, and guide you in your discernment and decision-making.


Bỏ Phúc

P.S. These are the readings for the day: Ex 16:1-5, 9-15 and Mt 13:1-9.

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