Friday, July 14, 2023

Dearest Goddaughter (LTR-2)

Dearest Goddaughter,

We all experience peer pressure in our lives, especially in school. We want to be with the "in" crowd and are willing to do whatever we can to fit in. Sometimes we act like the group of people we hang around with. I remember in middle school, I was hanging out with this boy Johnny. Let's just say that he was a bad influence on me. I remember one time, he and I were running to our class and arrived to the classroom door just as the bell rang. We argued with the teacher that had she not blocked the doorway, we would not have been late. All this to say, discern our group of friends well, pray for them. God will help us fill our life with good people that will help us grow in holiness while still having fun.

This is why Jesus warns us in today's Gospel to "beware of men". This is not to say that we go through life not trusting anyone because that will lead to a very lonely existence if we cannot trust anyone. However, what Jesus is telling us is that we can and should put our trust in God first and foremost. While people will let us down, even our family members who we love, God will never deceive us nor let us down. I tell couples who come to us for CALLED TO BE ONE Marriage Class that they are two imperfect people coming together in holy matrimony. They should never put each other on a pedestal because they are setting each other up for failure. The only perfect Person in their marriage is Jesus.

God knows us, loves us, and calls each of us by name, just as He calls Israel by name, saying, "Jacob! Jacob!", and when He does, let us respond to Him with love and trust, saying, "Here I am." This is important for us to understand. Because of our fallen nature, when something happens in our life, when someone hurts us, we distance ourselves from that person (rightfully so) but we also distance ourselves from God when we should cling to the thread of Jesus' garment.

Therefore, dearest goddaughter, let us remain steadfast in our faith in God and trust him. Let us respond to His call as Jacob did - "Here I am." And, when you are facing peer pressure, let's turn to Jesus in prayer and he will help us discern right from wrong. And this is Christ's promise to us. . . "whoever endures to the end will be saved." Come Holy Spirit!


Bỏ Phúc

P.S. These are the readings for the day: Genesis 46:1-7, 28-30 and Matthew 10:16-23

1 comment:

  1. Gospel Reflection - Peer pressure, discernment, and steadfast in faith (7/14/2023) 🙏🕊️❤️

    Click to listen. #podcast


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