Friday, July 28, 2023

Dearest Goddaughter (LTR-11)

Dearest Goddaughter,

In today's first reading, God gives Moses (and us) His Ten Commandments. God gives us His laws so that we can have life and have it abundantly and live freely as children of God. Sometimes this can be hard for us to understand because we see laws and rules as restricting us, rather than freeing us. However, I invite you to think of it this way.

Traffic laws, if everyone obeys them, allow all of us to traveling freely on the roads without fear. We hope that when we have a green light at an intersection and the crossroad has a red light, then we can drive through the intersection without fear. (However, we must still be alert and cautious because not all drivers are created equal.) Or think of it this way. Softball and baseball have rules so that the coaches and players know what to expect so they can freely coach and play the game. Can you image if there were no rules in softball and baseball; it would be chaotic. No one would know what to do. No one can freely play and enough the game without rules.

It is the same with God's law because if we live within these boundaries that God has given us, then our reward would be in heaven. However, when we deviate from God's law, not only do we suffer but those around us - including those we love most - suffer as well.

Therefore, dearest goddaughter, trust in the Lord our God, obey His laws, and you will live life abundantly and freely as a child of God.


Bỏ Phúc

P.S. These are the readings for the day: Ex 20:1-17 and Mt 13:18-23.

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