Monday, May 8, 2023

Rough week? Go to Mass.

Last week was one of those challenging weeks. I will not get into the details of why it was challenging but I will say that I attended 6:30 Mass at Saint Mary Cathedral only once the entire week. By the time Friday rolled around, I wanted to "veg" the entire weekend but I had several things on schedule at Saint Albert the Great Catholic Church on Saturday and Sunday.

It started with Family Fiat with Mary on Saturday morning with Adoration and Holy Hour at 8:30 followed by Mass. While I did not want to wake up on Saturday morning, I did got up any way. And as I set up for Adoration - putting the monstrance on the corporal on the altar, lighting the candelabras, and getting vested in my amice, alb, cincture, and Marian stole with a cope and humeral veil - the stress and anxiety of the week faded away. As I chanted O Salutaris, after having placed our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in the monstrance,  I heard an angelic voice behind me lift up our voices to heaven. I led the adorers in prayer and then we prayed Morning Prayer - the prayer of the Church, the Liturgy of the Hours. We all lifted our prayers up to our Father in heaven, trusting in His eternal wisdom, the depth of His compassion, His love, divine, mercy, and forgiveness. May is dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary and that inspired me to pray the Litany of Loreto. Then, during Mass, as the parents and children came up to receive Holy Communion, I saw a mom walk up to Father with her child in her arms and the little child had her little finger in her mom's mouth. I smiled and my heart was filled with joy.

Then, later in the day, I served at the 5:00 Vigil Mass. I had already vested and was preparing myself for Mass when our RE director came into the sacristy and asked me to follow him. He wanted the young girls who were receiving their First Holy Communion at Mass to see me and know who I am because they would be following me in the procession at the beginning of Mass. When I saw the seven (7) little girls, my heart was filled with joy once again. One of the girls said, "I know him." I congratulated them on their sacramental milestone and asked how they felt. The same little girl said she was nervous. I assured her that there is nothing for her to worry about and I gave each of them high-fives. They and the boys did fantastic and were so adorable that all of the EMHCs waited and watched them receive First Holy Communion before they started to distribute to the congregation.

As I set up the altar for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, gave Father the bread and the chalice with wine and water, I was reminded once again of the great honor and privilege for me to serve at the altar as a deacon in the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I was there to serve those who are receiving the Bread of Life and the Chalice of salvation for the first, the last time, and everyone in between. I thought of my sweet goddaugther and how I got to serve at her First Holy Communion Mass and watch her receive the Body and Blood of Christ for the first time on May 14th, 2022. It was a blessed moment and, for me personally, I was so proud of her (and still am).

The tiredness, stress, and anxiety of the work week dissipated as soon as I let go, freed my mind, and allowed myself to be in the loving and nurturing presence of God. It is true what Fr. Charlie said in his homily that one time. When we are tired, worn out, and beatdown by the world. . . SERVE. Serve God. Serve our neighbors. Love God and know that He will grant us His peace in the midst of worldliness.


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