Monday, March 6, 2023

Kids say the darndest things (Part 1)

Vigil Mass (3/4/2023)

While I was waiting with Fr. Rito to process in before the Vigil Mass this evening, a little girl came up to me and said that I looked like a chipmunk. I asked her which one. Her mom said to her, "Which one? Alvin, Simon, or Theodore?" She exclaimed excitedly: "Theodore!" 😆😄😂😅🤣 Is it too late to start the #Exodus90 ascetical practices? #nocandies #nosweets

10:00 Mass (2/12/2023)

Yesterday, after the 10:00 Mass, a little girl told her mom that I look like #Bruno in my green dalmatic. I looked at the little girl and sang, "We don't talk about Bruno, Bruno". . . From her reaction, I think she was completely surprised that a deacon knew that song. #Encanto 😆😅🤣 #childlikefaith

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Gospel Reflection - Fast Acceptable to the Lord (3/7/2025)

#newPODCAST Gospel Reflection - Fast Acceptable to the Lord (3/7/2025) 🙏❤🕊 Click to listen: