Monday, February 13, 2023

On love and marriage (Part 7)

Friends, thank you for joining me these past 7 days of the At Home Marriage Retreat 2023, presented by the USCCB. Like with all things in life, how much we get out of something depends on how much effort we put into something. After this at home marriage retreat, I hope that you and your spouse, at the very least, desire to spend more time with each other to help each other grow and meet the other's needs spiritually, emotionally, and physically. Perhaps, you want to do an in-person retreat for married couples or go on a Marriage Encounter Weekend. Whatever you decide, I would encourage you to take time to work on your marriage each and every day, through prayer, communication, and sharing.

Today's topic for Day 7 is "Eucharistic Giving", and this struck me because of how true it is, particularly for husbands. Husbands, after we married the love of our life, the best women in the wide-world for us, we stop desiring to continue to win her heart. I shared an article from Ascension that says that one of the things that wives want their husbands to continue doing after they are married is to continue to win her heart, to date her. Today's meditation speaks to this, saying: Being Eucharistic in our actions requires us to not only understand what our spouse needs, but also to be willing to make sacrifices for them to meet those needs. . . when we were dating each other. . . we were trying to win the heart of our beloved, we took time to discover and understand their needs, wants, and desires and we made a concerted effort to please them by listening to them, spending time with them, and even getting things they needs.

Therefore, let us continue to "date each other" so that we are always attentive to each other's needs, wants, and desires, which changes over time, and we would not know it unless we put in the effort to discover it. Even more important is our desire to always grow in our relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. While God may be the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow, we do not know everything there is to know about God. Thus, let us desire to want to know God more and more each day in the same way as we desire to know our spouse more and more each day. This is how relationship grows and bear good fruit.

Here are links to my previous blogs "On love and marriage":
- Part 1:
- Part 2:
- Part 3:
- Part 4:
- Part 5:
- Part 6:

UPDATED: Here is the link to the At Home Marriage Retreat and other resources from the USCCB:

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