Thursday, January 19, 2023

Invitation to "Gus Busbi" Book Study

I am starting a book study on Catholic author Jim Sano's novel - "Gus Busbi". We will start to meet on the Wednesday after Ash Wednesday, so March 1st, and go through Lent and the end of the Easter season. There are 47 chapters in the book so this will give us time to read, reflect, and discuss.

As preparation for the book study, I have read the novel and reflected on the theme, which I have discerned touches on the topics of faith, forgiveness, race, prejudices, and lack of strong male role models for boys and young men. I have also discerned reading and discussing the USCCB's "Open Wide Our Hearts: The Enduring Call to Love, A Pastoral Letter Against Racism."

If you all feel that these are topics that are beneficial for men of the parish to discuss openly and honestly with each other, in the safe space of church (at Saint Albert the Great Catholic Church, Austin, TX), then please invite the men to reach out to me to join the book study. I can be reached at

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Gospel Reflection - Fast Acceptable to the Lord (3/7/2025)

#newPODCAST Gospel Reflection - Fast Acceptable to the Lord (3/7/2025) 🙏❤🕊 Click to listen: