Sunday, November 20, 2022

Adoration & Youth Ministry (Part 2)

So blessed to join Bishop Joe Vásquez, priests, deacons, and religious sisters and brothers, from all over the Diocese of Austin, for the joyful celebration to kick off the 75th anniversary of the Diocese. We had Mass, listened to Fr. Dave Pivonka, and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament! I am so blessed to serve this Diocese as a deacon. One of my brother deacons said I will probably be around for the 100th anniversary in 25 years. . . God willing!

Bonus! I got to visit with two of Saint Albert the Great Catholic Church's past parochial vicars - Fr. John & Fr. Piega!

After the 75th anniversary celebration in the morning, I got to serve at Mass with Fr. Charlie for the Confirmation Retreat. I also participated in a "extreme hot potato" game with the kids. A group of them put together a powerful skit about how the seven deadly sins separate us from God's love. It was very moving.

During Holy Hour and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, the Holy Spirit moved me to bring our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to each of the kids. I told them that while we think that it is us searching for God, it is actually God seeking us out, desiring to love us, and dwell in our hearts. 

I shared with them how God went looking for Adam & Eve in the Garden of Eden but they hid from Him because they were ashamed. They are like Adam & Eve, afraid to allow themselves to be found by God because they are ashamed so Christ goes searching for them.

Please keep them and the Confirmation Retreat team in your prayers. May the Holy Spirit fill their hearts and lead them to conversion.

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