Monday, October 24, 2022

Report of the Spiritual Director, K of C Austin Chapter (10/24/2022)

Brother Knights, my sincerest apologies for not being able to attend the last few meetings with you all. Between personal matters, work, and ministry, it has been a busy few months. However, through it all, it is God who gives me strength, particularly in the Eucharist which we believe and profess to be the “source and summit” of our Christian life. I am blessed to be able to attend daily Mass at Saint Mary Cathedral every morning before I go to the office. I have even started to serve at Mass on Mondays! I am grateful to Fr. Daniel Liu for this great opportunity to serve the faithful attending Mass so early every morning and faithfully do so.

When I first entered Diaconal Formation in 2014, we were all asked to attend daily Mass. It was a struggle at first but now, I feel an emptiness when I cannot attend daily Mass and receive our Lord in the Eucharist. I desire this for all my brother Knights and their families. During the next three years of the Eucharistic Revival in the Catholic Church in America, I invite my brother Knights - as faith leaders of their “domestic churches” - to set aside at least 30 minutes to 1 hour to spend time with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Daily Mass is 30 minutes and a Holy Hour, well, is 1 hour.

It will be difficult at first and, believe me, the Evil One, Satan, will tempt you to do something else with your time rather than spend it with our Lord. In those moments, I would invite you to pray the “Jesus Prayer” and “Hail Mary” and tell Satan - “Not today, Satan, not today.” Do this for yourself. Do this for your family. Better still, invite your spouse (and family) to join you. We all live busy lives but all things are possible with Christ who gives you strength.

I would invite you to read the column by Supreme Chaplain Archbishop Williams E. Lori, titled “Following Christ Into the Breach”, on page 17 of the October 2022 issue of the “Columbia”. Then, I would invite you to give daily Mass (or a Holy Hour before the Blessed Sacrament) a chance (see my challenges below). Brother Knights, know of my prayers for you and your families. Thank you for your prayers for me and my family. God-willing, I will see you all soon.

Vivat Jesus. Deacon Phúc

Deacon Phúc’s challenges for all Knights for the month of November

PERSONAL & FAMILY: Spend time (or more time) before our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament - at daily Mass or Holy Hour in Adoration. Let the Eucharist be the “source and summit” of yours and your family’s Christian life.

COUNCIL: For the souls of our deceased brother Knights and their spouses. Reach out to a widower and check on him or her.

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