Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Deacon Retreat 2022 (Part 3)

One of the great things about the annual deacon retreat is the opportunities to learn from my brother deacons. For example, after Adoration on Saturday night, Deacon Al shared with me that he has his own "Adoration Travel Kit" that included battery-operated tealight candles, a headlamp to shine light on the Blessed Sacrament, and prayer cards, which he passed out to everyone the next morning.

A few years ago, Deacon Jose talked about his "go" bag in his homily. Since then, I have my own "go" bags for House Blessings, Communion Service, and now I will add a "go" bag for Adoration. If you are reading this and you have tips for a "baby" deacon, then pray share with me.

Personally, I did not bring my alb and cincture because I knew that I had "behind the scenes" things to take care of. I was the MC after all. :) I am glad many of my brother deacons signed up to help lead Adoration and the Liturgy of the Hours, and serve at Mass. I had a fun time doing the sacristan part, particularly ringing the bells during Mass.

I was asked to be the MC again for next year's deacon retreat, which I happily accepted. I am grateful for the opportunity to serve my brother deacons in this role.

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Deacon Sunday - Homily for the Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B - 10/13/2024)

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