Wednesday, July 27, 2022

A great treasure

Sisters and brothers in Christ, growing up, I was a collector of basketball cards, especially Michael Jordan trading cards. I remember going to the flea market with my dad and buying MJ23 basketball cards from the vendors, paying from $1.00 to $10.00 or so for a card based on its "market value." I would also trade cards with my friends and the question we always ask each other was: "What are you going to give me for this card [that you want to trade with me]?" In other words, what is this card worth to you and what are you willing to give up to obtain it?

In today's Gospel parable, Jesus is presenting us with a similar question. And, while we cannot "earn" our way into heaven in the same sense that we "earn" things in this life, Jesus is asking us what are we willing to do for the "Kingdom of heaven'? For us, we do not usually think of this outside of the season of Lent when we decide to "give up" something. However, our Lord is challenging us to ask this question of ourselves every day of our lives.

Through reflection, discernment, and prayer, Christ is inviting us to discover for ourselves what efforts are we willing to make to grow closer in our relationship with Him, to love God and our neighbor, and to help each other get to heaven.  That is our Lord's great commission to us but, first, we must ask ourselves what are we willing to do for this treasure - the "Kingdom of heaven'?

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